Frequently asked questions

  • Digital Reef has spent several years scoping sites to meet the demand for data centres in London. After extensive consultation, only the East Havering site had the potential to provide the required power as well as the size to accommodate a data centre – and as a result, it is necessarily situated on land designated as Green Belt.

  • The scheme is expected to deliver an initial upfront investment of £5.3 billion, £2 billion of which will be directly invested in Havering. Once operational, the scheme will lead to significant ongoing investment through the supply chain, business rates, replacement technology, taxes, and wages, as well as generate income for Havering Council in the region of £13.5million annually.

  • The construction phase is expected to create 2,800 jobs, and £86 million in wages, across the Havering economy per year. Once operational, the scheme will create an expected 1,240 more jobs and bringing in £65 million in wages, signifying a significant boost to the Havering economy. Of those directly created jobs, 300 of them will be full time permanent roles on-site.

  • Digital Reef will take all the appropriate measures to reduce disruption to the community – including noise control, a traffic management plan, strict air quality monitoring and work only to take place during normal working hours. We will also keep near neighbours informed about construction schedules and any potential disruptions.

  • Once constructed, the data centre will be fully accessible by public transport run by TFL. Digital Reef will also be offering a shuttle service to construction workers and employees once the site is completed from Romford – minimising traffic disruption during and after construction.

  • Digital Reef is hoping to have planning secured by the end of 2024 with the 8-12 year Construction period starting in the second half of 2024. Further details about the construction phase will be available once planning has been secured from the Council, in its capacity as Local Planning Authority.

  • The proposed development represents a £5.30 billion initial investment of which £2.0 billion will be spent directly in Havering, during the five-year construction phase as well as 2,800 jobs and £86 million in wages, across the Havering economy per year.

  • The East Havering Data Centre Campus will ultimately increase access to green spaces to the local community – as most of the proposed site is private land and is only partly accessible by two Public Rights of Way. As part of the project, we will be creating an extensive 113-hectare Ecology Park – which will mean over 50% of the site will be open to the public.

  • The East Havering Data Centre Campus project is a unique opportunity to contribute positively to its local community and deliver the infrastructure for several on and off-site renewable energy projects. The site will also include an extensive 113-hectare Ecology Park, to be open to the public and fully accessible through new footpath and cycling routes.

  • Digital Reef (, are a British company founded by Reef Group and Forge Knowledge

    ( founder, Piers Slater, that develops digital and green infrastructure projects of critical importance for the future of the UK and its ambitions to be a low-carbon science

    and tech superpower.

  • The East Havering Data Centre Campus is a significant scheme that will have widespread positive impact and deliver tangible benefits across Havering. Digital Reef is committed to ensuring the positive impact of the project is felt across the Borough. The £9 million payment is a contribution from Digital Reef to the London Borough of Havering to provide reassurance and commitment to the local community that the benefits of the scheme will become a reality. Digital Reef are discussing with Council how this payment is best secured. To be secured as part of the planning process, the Council in its capacity as Local Planning Authority will need to carefully explore whether the monies meet the established legislative tests which exist for payments of this type.

  • The Council is collaborating with private developer Digital Reef to bring forward these proposals which has been endorsed by Cabinet Members. The Council’s role is completely separate from the Local Planning Authority (LPA) role and responsibilities. As with any planning matter the LPA is committed to a robust and lawful process whereby the scheme must go through the appropriate planning process.

These initial events are part of a wider programme of engagement with the local community, which will run ahead of the formal consultation process led by the Local Planning Authority, due to take place later this year. We are reaching out to local organisations, community groups, businesses, schools and colleges to build momentum around the proposals and get vital input and ideas that will help make this scheme a reality. More information will be shared in due course, but in the meantime if you are a member of an organisation who would be interested in working with us, please do submit your details via the form and we will be in touch!

Contact us


Tel: +44 (0) 844 556 3002

*Artist Impression - Wetland Discovery